

The directors of the Cavere Group and its subsidiaries believe that good governance is the key to delivering positive outcomes for our customers and stakeholders. Together with our Values and Beliefs we ensure that we deliver on our promises and give customers confidence that they are dealing with an organisation that truly puts the interests of customers at the heart of everything we do.

We work hard at ensuring that our governance arrangements are reviewed regularly, so that they remain fit for purpose. Our risk framework ensures that we constantly assess the risks we face and our business model and strategy support the mitigation of any risks identified.

Our board terms of reference, ensures that all aspects of our business is apportioned to individual board members to deliver clear oversight and individual accountability.

We have documented policies for:

  • Corporate governance
  • Board terms of reference
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Risk management
  • Bribery
  • Money laundering & financial crime
  • Sanctions
  • IT security
  • Equal oportunities
  • Data protection & privacy
  • And all key areas of our operations

If you are interested in finding out more about our governance arrangements for due diligence purposes, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Effective challenge by senior managers and at board level is important to us, particularly as we grow over the coming years. We utilise the skills of an experienced Non-Executive director to fill skill gaps on the board and bring independent challenge to the way we run our businesses.

Our culture is a set of shared values set by the board which ultimately characterise our organisation. These embedded mind-sets ensure we drive the behaviours we aspire to. Our values and beliefs are fundamental to all our everyday activities, from our recruitment processes to the way we reward and recognise our people.